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E-Cigarette Addiction

E-Cigarette AddictionDon’t believe that you can quit e-cigarette by hypnosis?  It is probably because you did not see this yet.

E-cig may be more difficult to quit than normal cigarette

While many believe that e-cig is less harmful than cigarettes, the substitutes in e-cig may is actually not fully tested and understood, which means every time when you are smoking a e-cigarette, you are inhaling chemicals that is unknown.  And this is the key: since there is not enough tested done, no body really knows what the actual side effect is.

Vaping, giving the convenience and considered “less harmful”, is actually much harder to quit than an actual cigarette.

What e-cig/normal cig actually do for you?

If you really consider that, it is actually nothing.  On the contrary, it is hurting your physical and financial health.

In other words, you are paying somebodies you don’t know to hurt yourself.  Isn’t it weird?

Another reason is that, e-cig charger will blow up and set fires.  It also “tell” the teenagers, especially your son or girl, and your love one, that smoking cigarette (no matter if it is e-cig or not) is OK.

Is that something you accept?

If not, you must go here and find out how to tackle this problem, once and for all.