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Become Confidence and Positive

Confidence and PositivityMany people are looking for ways to become confidence.

But there is a major problem in the above statement: confidence is inside yourself, you don’t “look for” ways to be confidence, you already have this talent to be confidence.  But you don’t know it, or you lost it in the past.

If you are watching this video from Tony Robbins, you should be able to understand that, if you believe you can do, or be something, even if you don’t know how to do it yet, there is a chance that you can be that confidence person you always dream about.

How NOT to find confidence and positivity from outside?

As we said before, confidence is coming from what your believe, and if you believe it, you will own it, even if you don’t know how to do it yet.

But let me tell you a secret: you don’t need to know how to do it.  Because it is “another you”, or called “Unconscious mind” job to figure out the “How” part.

All you need to do is to believe, and work on the “answer” coming from your unconscious mind.

Avoid the “Final Answer” Syndrome

However, one may argue: while you are working on the “answer” you have, sooner or later you will realize that this is not the “final answer”, which means you need to work a bit more to figure out the next step to be confidence.

Since it is not the “final answer”, I do not want to work on it until I get it.

I agree that there is, and always will be a “next step”, but it did not mean that what you did is completely useless.

On the contrary, the “next step” is built on the first step you take to become the one you always want to be.

So trust the progress, and believe that you can do it.  The result may come late, or not very obvious at the moment, but it is there.

However, if you are really looking for a tool to “make things faster”/”accelerate” the progress of becoming more confidence and positive, by listening to an MP3 at your own comfort home, please take a look at this now.