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Caffeine Addiction

Caffeine AddictionAddicted to Caffeine

Imagine the deep, brown color inside a tea pot that has tea for more than ten or twenty years.  Do you feel uncomfortable, or even disguising, just by thinking about it?

Now, let’s think about it: if this color is not inside the tea pot, but in your stomach!  This is how a stomach looks like after someone is drinking a cup of tea/coffee for many years.

And if you find yourself you have to drink a cup of coffee/tea each morning, or you have to have a can of Cola, or a Chocolate bar every afternoon or evening, you may already be addicted to caffeine in those things.

Caffeine is a highly addicted Chemical

Like most chemical, if you are taking too much of it, it will affect your body badly, like heart palpitations, constant fatigue or even stomach ulcers.

But don’t worry, there is a solution, and it is probably easier than you think.

Solve Caffeine addiction by self hypnosis

What if all you need to do, is to stay in your comfortable home, listening to MP3, and open your mind to accept outside communication directly with your unconscious mind, so that you can see your “perspective” in a different way, and as a result, you take less Caffeine, and still enjoy yourself.

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